May 11

Google, give ME control over search results

Google, give me choiceGoogle lists websites in search results, as per what it thinks are relevant for us. I will be happy if I had control over the selection criteria.

How would it be is I could say?

  • Show oldest sites, which have my search words, first
  • Show me sites, which have my search words, with say 100 backlinks
  • Show me sites which do not have my search words in the Title but in the page text
  • Show me sites with PageRank between 2 and 3 or a number of my choice
  • And so on …

This will help ME in controlling the search results instead of Googe doing it for me. This way Google will serve me better as I have more options to control results.

May 11

Ecommerce is on fire in India

In spite of many people thinking otherwise, Ecommerce is on fire in India. Everyday I Future Bazaarcome to know about new Ecommerce sites offering products online. Most of these sites are well designed and are offering thousands of products.

Some of the older ecommerce sites are shopping.indiatimes.com, shopping.rediff.com, homeshop18.com, futurebazar.com

There are quite a few new entrants. Some of them are yebhi.com, fashnvia.com

I find the order servicing to be better than expected. Some Ecommerce site deliver products overnight and most of them within 2-3 days. This means that the Ecommerce websites care about their customers. It also means that the logistics of delivering products to customers in hundreds of Indian cities has been worked out well.

All this is good for customers in india, who can purchase products online from the comfort of their home or office. They save time and money, while getting great choice and service.